November was a busy month for us and as always we’ve been busy working on new features for the Label Engine system: – 1001Tracklists Integration We’ve partnered with to allow you to keep an eye on which DJs are playing your tracks. 1001Tracklists is a user generated database containing listings of every radio show and major performance by the …
Rdio and Beats Music to shut down
Music streaming service Rdio has filed for bankruptcy protection in the U.S. and will be shutting down its doors for good. Pandora, who has been in the radio streaming service for over 15 years has bought “key” components of the soon-to-die company. There is still some doubts as to what will happen with pending royalties owed but we have stopped …
Spotify introduces “Fan Insights” a free analytics tool for Artists
Spotify has announced today the introduction of “Spotify Fan Insights”, an analytics tool that will allow Artists better understand how fans interact with their music. Best of all? the tool is available completely for free! Spotify has long been the “king” of streaming music and it has become an important platform for Artists and Labels to continue to showcase their …
Important: Beatport, iTunes and Spotify Holidays deliveries deadlines
Updated November 24, 2015 The Holidays are upon us and like every year, Beatport and iTunes have sent to us deliveries deadlines for content you wish to have available through the holidays. Beatport’s delivery freeze starts December 10th, that means the last day to deliver any content to Beatport you wish to have available in the store before January 12th …
You can now create your own Playlists at Beatport
Great news for those hoping to get the most our of their Beatport “Streaming” effort. Beatport announced a couple of days ago the official introduction of “Playlists”, which will allow all labels, artists and fans to create their own curated music list for listening or promotion purposes. The news are very much welcome but are of no surprise to anyone, …
Youtube’s new subscription service “Youtube Red” now available
Youtube’s new subscription service now known as “Youtube Red” is (finally) available in the United States. The official announcement, which came October 21st was of no surprise to anyone, rumors around the service had been going on for over a year and it is a great option for those that were hoping for options that would allow them to play …
Mace’s “Touch Me” remix contest now live on Beatport Play
Label Engine has teamed up with Terrorhythm Recordings to give aspiring and established producers alike the unique opportunity to remix Mace’s hit single “Touch Me” on Beatport Play. You can submit your remix starting today (October 20) through November 16 (2015), there are no genres or style restrictions so feel free to remix the track in any way you feel …
New Label Engine Updates: Dropbox integration, Demo System updates, Mobile Optimization and more
We have been working around the clock to improve areas of our system and add new exciting tools to continue to provide you with the best tools available in the industry. We also want to make sure we are more engaged in discussing what we are doing and how it can help you on a day to day basis. Here …
Saavn, Digitally Imported and NMusic added to our network of stores
We are pleased to announce the official addition of Saavn, Digitally Imported and NMusic to our network of stores. Saavn is a revolutionary streaming service based out of India but available around the world. They became mainstream in India with the explosion of “Bollywood” but has grown impressively covering all styles of music, from Pop to Rock and Dance/Electronic music. …
Apple Music expands to China
Great news for not only music fans living in China but also record labels and music producers. Apple announced last week that it has expanded to China, one of the biggest and most competitive markets in the world. The announcement is well received, although it will only cover the Apple Music service and not the download store iTunes. Like with …