Adjustment to the delivery dates for Beatport Pro and Beatport Streaming

Label Engine Distribution, Help, Updates

Many of our labels showed concern regarding the exclusive deliveries to Beatport and how they would co-exist in their “Beatport Pro” (Downloads) site and their “Beatport” (Streaming) service. At first Beatport did not have an option to split the dates on which it would show on both services, leaving the labels with a dilemma of whether or not it was …

Label Engine Music Recommendations 6/20/15

Label Engine Music, New Releases

Hello World! This has been quiet an interesting week for us, we attended the EDMBiz music conference in Las Vegas and it was a great time, not only were we able to meet new people just as passionate as we are about Dance Music and Technology but also had a chance to enjoy a nice room view, some good food …

Change to Artist fields for Distribution

DJ Lazy Rich Distribution, Help, Updates

In response to the changing needs and priorities of our customers, we are making some changes to the way artist information is entered into our distribution system Currently we ask users to enter artists individually, providing an alias for each. These are combined into a comma separated list to form the artist field. This is the required format for stores …

Label Engine Music Recommendations 6/13/15

Label Engine Music, New Releases

Hello World! Greetings from sunny (and humid) California, where the weather has been as bipolar as it one can imagine. EDC is only a week away and the excitement can be felt in the air, DJs are arming themselves with the best music available for the performance of their lives. As music fans, we are the ultimate winners though, this …

Meet a Label Engine rep at EDMBiz June 16-18

Label Engine Events, Updates

The 4th annual EDMBiz conference presented by Insomniac Events is upon us and we will be attending, if you are planning to attend we would love to meet with you to chit chat about life, music, the nba finals and of course Label Engine. If you wish to get together during, before or after the conference please send us an …

Apple Music launching June 30th, what does it mean to you?

Label Engine News, Updates

Unless you have avoided social media, blogs or just about any news website you may have heard by now that Apple officially announced the long rumored streaming subscription service “Apple Music”. The service will be available June 30th as part of the new iOS update coming for iPhones, iPads and all other apple devices. Don’t worry Android users, it will …

Label Engine Music Recommendations 6/7/15

Label Engine Music, New Releases

Hello World! Our music recommendations have arrived on a Sunday this week, mainly because life happened and kept me busy yesterday. Either way, lots of great tracks were released this week and i thought it would be best to pick our top 10, which you can support on the beatport chart below! Buy The Chart on Beatport Here are our …

Stores updates: WDA Ringtones, Simfy, Rara, Selected Music Sotre, Satellite, Blinkbox

Label Engine Updates

The digital music world is moving fast and we continue to see impactful developments on a weekly basis, stores closing down or being acquired seems to be the current trend (unfortunately). Various of those DSPs have closed down or have announced they will be closing down.   – WDA Ringtones: WDA is closing its ringtones subsidiary, they announced recently. They …

Biggest Releases And Blockbusters Season

Label Engine Fresh Produce Playlist

Hello World! Summer is almost here, we are only a few weeks away from officially kick-starting the “biggest releases and blockbusters” season but there is always some great gems that are released (to our pleasing) a bit earlier and we are not complaining about it. Over 400 tracks to choose from this week, so here we go! Here are our …

Introducing: Embedded Player (Beta)

Label Engine Updates

You can now find under the “Tools” section an “Embedded Player” option that will allow you to share individual tracks in your website or blog directly from Label Engine. First, put your player online by selecting from the dropdown. You can also decide if you want to enable track downloads. Next, select your colors, and add an additional button with …