Embed your Demo Submissions page on your website

Label Engine Help, News, Tips, Updates

We have just added an option for you to Embed your Demo Submissions page on your website. The code is provided by us so all you need to do is select the color of the background so it matches your website and copy and paste the script provided. Our “Demos” tool is one of the most used by our labels …

KKBox added to our network of stores

Label Engine Updates

We are pleased to announce the official addition of KKBox to our network of stores. KKBox is Asia’s leading music streaming service, it was established in 2004 by a group of Taiwanese software programmers with a shared passion for technology and music. With the support from more than 500 international major and local independent music labels, KKBOX features 20 million …

Accounting Analytics Tool (Beta) now available

Label Engine Accounting, Help, News, Updates

We are happy to let you guys know that the Accounting Analytics tool for our users is now live. If you are on Premium Distribution deal or are subscribed to our Accounting or Premium subscription you will now see the “Analytics” option listed in the “Accounts” dropdown menu! We understand Analytics are an essential part of running a record label …

Label Engine Music Recommendations 8/21/15

Label Engine Music

Hello World! What a week for Dance music news and gossip right? The SFX story continues to develop and we are all waiting to see what will happen with that as it may have direct repercussions with Beatport and the Soundcloud drama continues, how many more people will ultimate be affected? Ohhhhh and Baboom launched, will it be a good …

Label Engine Music Recommendations 8/14/15

Label Engine Music

Hello World! In case you missed our latest update post, we have added Spotify Analytics, Amazon daily sales estimates and have made other changes or updates we are sure you will appreciate so click here to read more! Another week full of great music and we have over 380 tracks to pick from this week, hopefully you get to find …

Label Engine Music Recommendations 8/7/15

Label Engine Music

Hello World! Greetings from sunny Los Angeles, what a crazy week it has been huh? Between the whole situation with Beatport and the delayed royalties for the last quarter and last night’s GOP debate social media has been going a 100 miles per hour! Lets forget about that for a minute and enjoy some quality music, over 300 tracks to …

Label Engine Pre-Payment of Beatport’s delayed Q2 2015 royalties

Label Engine News, Updates

As we informed our users internally on Monday, Beatport’s parent company SFX is taking steps to buy the company back and make it private again. That has left some of their assets and funds frozen temporarily, what that means in plain english is that Q2 2015 royalties for labels are delayed. According to Beatport’s senior staff, whom we spoke to …