SFX files for chapter 11 Bankruptcy, what does this mean for Beatport?

Label Engine News, Updates

The Dance Music universe woke up today to the news that SFX, parent company of Dance Music digital store Beatport, filed for chapter 11 Bankruptcy as part of a Restructuring Support Agreement that will eliminate more than $300 million in debt. Naturally comments and emails started pouring in from concerned record label owners and artists trying to get some clarity …

Soundcloud introduces Stations and Charts

Label Engine News, Updates

Soundcloud has been making progress in turning its site to appeal more to the normal everyday fan, recently adding “Stations” which will allow users of the SoundCloud app for iOS and Android to create radio stations based on what they are listening to, searching for or what is in their collections. Appealing to the masses and not just industry people …

Label Engine Music Recommendations 01/29/16

Label Engine Music

Hello World! Happy Friday to everybody, we hope you are having/had a great week and are ready for an epic weekend. We will do our part by providing you with our top music recommendations for your playlists, we are positive you will enjoy our selections! Our number one this time around comes courtesy of rising star Jengi Beats and his …

Beatport clarifies the difference between Promotional Activity and Chart Cheating

Label Engine News, Updates

Every distributor and Beatport partner received this morning an email that looks to clarify the guidelines of what is an acceptable Promotional Campaign that encourages fans to buy tracks in exchange for something and what is considered an attempt to “game” the charts to unfairly gain a better ranking in the top 100. This has always been a controversial topic, …

Label Engine Music Recommendations 1/15/16

Label Engine Music

Hello World! First music recommendations of the new year, we hope you had a great Holiday season and a great start to 2016 so far. We have great expectations for 2016 and are beyond excited to see and listen to the music from the labels and artist we have the pleasure to work with, we are confident they will have …

Label Engine Music Recommendations 12/18/15

Label Engine Music

Hello World! This is going to be the last music recommendations post of the year and we wanted to take the opportunity to not only wish you a very happy Holidays but also thank you for all the continued support. It has been an amazing 2015 and we are excited for an even bigger 2016! With that being said, lets …

Akazoo and Forj Digital added to our network of stores

Label Engine Updates

We are pleased to announce the addition of Akazoo and Forj Digital to our network of stores. Akazoo is a streaming and digital download platform that integrates music with a social media experience, allowing users to integrate their Facebook accounts with the platform to follow users and share the music they love. With over 20 million available song in the …