We’ve added a new soundcloud style audio player to the site, you can see it when editing an individual track, when sharing files, or in the demos section, where waveform images are now generated for all uploaded demo files. We will be using the new style player throughout the promo system when we update the promo pages later this year. …
Pre-allocations, what are they and why should I use them?
Recently we’ve been working a lot on incorporating a pre-allocation system into Label Engine, but what are pre-allocations and why should you care? Well, with the standard way that most of you are used to doing your accounts with Label Engine, each time you upload a new statement you see a list of your royalties and work your way through …
Slacker & Deezer the latest stores added to our network
Our network of partner stores continue to grow, Slacker and Deezer are now a part of it. Slacker is a personalized based radio application that can be used in your smart phone or computer, they combine the knowledge of some the nation’s leading music experts from every genre and your own personal taste to create perfect radio stations. Subscribers are …
New Updates to the Video section now live
We have added a few things to the video creation section that will make it much easier and better for you to create videos for youtube or vimeo. We have added the option to upload your own image, initially you could only use the cover artwork of the release, well thats a thing of the past. The new image must …