Once you have set up a release and you are ready to upload tracks from the ‘Edit Release’ page, scroll to the bottom of the ‘Add Tracks’ section and enter in each of the tracks to be included on the release. You can add additional tracks afterwards, but if you need to include more than five then select upload via …
Putting a release live
Once all the information for every track in a release has been entered, you will see the distribution status panel on the mid-menu bar turn blue. If it is red, then you have not filled in all the information correctly. If the bar is red check that you have all the correct data inputted, selected vendors, added artwork, uploaded the …
Sales Estimates
To view your sales estimates navigate to – Distribution > Sales Estimates. On this page you can use filters to ESTIMATE sales figures based on data returned to us by the vendors. These figures may not exactly match your final Statements due to voided transactions and exchange rate fluctuations. Sales estimates are only shown for Releases that have been distributed …
Setting territory restrictions
To set territory restrictions navigate to – Distribution > Edit Release. From this page, half way down on the right hand side will be a territories link. Once clicked you will be shown the Territory restriction options. Select the track you wish to apply restrictions to from the drop-down box and click the ‘>’ icon next to any Territory you …
Adding / editing a release
To add a release start by navigating to – Distribution > Add Release From this window select the label you want the release to be on from the ‘Label’ drop down menu. You can only choose labels that WE have provided you distribution access for. Once you have chosen a label you may start filling out the release details for …
Viewing tracks and releases
To view your tracks and releases click – Labels > Label name From this window you will be able to see all your releases, for a more detailed view simply click the ‘Cat #’ link to the left of the release. If you would like to view the tracks on the release you can click any of the ‘edit release’ …
Label Engine is capable of searching through all of your labels, tracks/releases, artists, recipients and accounts data. Simply type in a keyword of the item you are looking for in the top right hand side of the window. For example, if I want to search for a track, just type in the name of the track or artist in the …
Editing a Label
To edit a label navigate to – Labels > Label name From this window select the ‘Label name, Details and aliases’ link. In the label details window you can edit your Label Name, Label manager, ISRC* prefix and Aliases. *The ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is the international identification system for sound recordings and music video recordings. The prefix allows …
Editing your label promo page
To edit your labels promo page start by clicking – Labels > Labels name. From the new page click the ‘label Page’ link. This page will allow you to edit information and visual aspects of your labels promo page. Start by filling in your labels web address in the ‘website’ field. Choose a logo or banner for your promo page …
Sharing Tracks
Start by clicking – Settings > Sharing. From this window you can select tracks to share, send emails, and view previously shared tracks. If you want to share a track, click the ‘Select Tracks to Share’ link. This will bring up a list of all your tracks uploaded. You can use the search or filter features to find the track …