Twitch Launches New DJ Program

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Twitch has launched a first-of-its-kind DJ Program, providing DJs new opportunities to stream, promote, and earn from their music. This program includes a new DJ category and increased promotional opportunities for participating DJs.

What is the Twitch DJ Program & How Does It Work?

The Twitch DJ Program allows DJs to stream live sets using an extensive catalog of music that includes millions of tracks, from popular hits to independent releases and niche sub-genres. This catalog is available through Twitch’s partnerships with major music labels and hundreds of independent labels, ensuring that both DJs and musicians are fairly compensated.

By joining the program, DJs can promote and monetize their creativity while avoiding the common issues of takedowns, muted content, and bans often encountered on other platforms.

Benefits of Joining the Twitch DJ Program

  • Official DJ Category: Twitch has launched an official DJ category to help viewers easily browse and discover DJs and their communities.
  • New Discovery Opportunities: DJs have the chance to be featured on the front page and receive personalized recommendations to attract new audiences.
  • Promotions & Community Programs: Twitch will soon launch ongoing promotional programs to highlight the diverse talent of DJs on the platform. Additional programs will be announced to further support and unite DJs across Twitch.

How to Get Started

DJs interested in joining the Twitch DJ Program must apply through the Twitch DJ Program page. The program is open to anyone who wants to livestream DJ sets, regardless of music genre. However, it is specifically designed for channels focused on DJ sets and not for background music during gaming or other streams. DJs who stream part-time should use a separate account to keep their DJ activities distinct.

When enrolling in the DJ Program, you will agree to new terms that make this offering possible. It is important to review the DJ Program Terms to understand the changes to your account before enrolling.

Note: Due to contractual restrictions, the DJ Program is not available in the following countries: Belarus, Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, South Korea, and Syria.

Important Notes

  • Pre-releases and Unreleased Tracks: The program does not permit the streaming of pre-release or unreleased tracks, which could result in DMCA takedowns and potential penalties, including channel suspension.
  • Content Saving Restrictions: DJs in the program will not be able to save or allow viewers to save VODs, Clips, Highlights, or Uploads to their Twitch channel. These features involve different rights than live streams. Twitch is developing additional promotional and discovery opportunities to enhance the reach and impact of DJ content.

For more information on the application process and requirements, visit the Twitch DJ Program FAQ.