TikTok Tips for Musicians: Unlocking the Power of Short-Form Video

Label Engine Articles

In the era of social media dominance, TikTok has emerged as a game-changer for musicians. With its short-form video format and immense user engagement, TikTok offers musicians a unique opportunity to showcase their talent, connect with fans, and even launch their careers. To make the most of this platform, here are some essential TikTok tips for musicians. Recently, TikTok introduced …

Label Engine & Create Music Group ADE Mixer

Label Engine Announcements, Events

We are excited to announce our Industry Mixer at ADE! Join us at Cafe Weber on October 18th for some drinks and good conversations with industry professionals! If you are an ADE pass holder, entry is free. Otherwise, click HERE to RSVP. Big thank you to our sponsors LimeBlue and SOCAN! Free drinks are first come first serve. Early arrival …