Introducing the Label Engine Forum

Label Engine Updates

We are really excited to officially introduce the Label Engine Forum with the aim to not only improve the way we communicate with and provide support to our users but also encourage the creation of a community of passionate music lovers and entrepreneurs that can help each other.

The Forum is replacing the old school and somewhat out-of-date HELP section and FAQs. It will make it easier for us and you to post topics recommending the best ways to take advantage of the tools we provide to help your labels/artists succeed, keep yourself informed with the latest LE news and announcements, report bugs and even interact with fellow Label Owners/DJs/Artists/industry experts also using our system.

You don’t need to create a separate account for it, when you log-in to your Label Engine account it automatically log you in on the forum so whenever you wish to visit it, it will be simple. The forum is also only available and view-able to registered LE users, noone outside of the system will be able to create an account or view the threads.

We encourage you participate as much as possible, we added a “General Chat” section to discuss and share anything you wish and also a licensing section if you want to cooperate and cross promote with other labels, don’t be shy!

You can see the forum link at end of your main navigation bar, next to “Blog” and “Settings”.

If you have any issues, can’t login or wish to send us feedback, feel free to email us at support(at)

You can also follow us on twitter at @Label_Engine or facebook at