Distribution Process

1. Upload your music
Distribute your first release with Label Engine’s premium distribution services and get your music into over 100 partner stores worldwide without any advance fees! Whether you’re an established artist, label, or new talent, we want to hear from you. Simply submit your release and label details and our distribution team will take it from there!

2. Unlock your label’s full potential
After signing up you will be start your free 7-day trial and take advantage of Label Engine’s powerful accounting, promotion, and demo management services.

3.Get Paid!
Once your release is distributed to all our partner digital stores and streaming services you will start generating revenue with no extra hidden fees or costs. You will also get full unlimited access to Label Engine’s Accounting, Promotion and Demo Management services without any subscriptions required. With over 100 store partners and a dedicated support team, we will help you achieve priority placements for your releases and take your music career to the next level!

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